School Building Design and Learning Performance with a Focus in Schools in Developing Countries

Eberhard Knapp, Kaj Noschis and Celen Pasalar, editors
Comportements, Lausanne, 2007
144 pages, 30 EUR To read and download th book in PDF format (5,0MB) click here

Table of contents:

General introduction

Part 1: Dilemmas: Quantity versus Quality Issues

Eberhard Knapp 
School Building in Developing Countries: Is Quantity the Only Relevant Dimension of the Problem? 
Michael Wilson 
The Fast Track Initiative and School Facilities: achieving the Second Millenium Development Goals 
Kirtee Shah 
Architectural Quality in School Building Design: A view from India

Part 2: Research Findings

Hannah von Ahlefeld 
What the OECD PISA study reveals about the physical learning environment 
Nicole S. Simon, Gary W. Evans and Lorraine E. Maxwell 
Building Quality, Academical Achievement and Self-Competency in New York City Public Schools 
Celen Pasalar 
Spaces for Learning Through Better Social Interaction 

Part 3: Country Reports

Mohamed Hassan Alsharafi 
Status of Educational facilities in Yemen 
Osama Maghayday 
Public School Buildings in Jordan: Reality and Aspirations 
Hatem Zaghloul Shalaby 
The School Planning Process and Maintenance of School Infrastructure in Egypt 
Fawaz Mujahed and Ziyad Kullab 
Education in Palestine

Part 4: Project experiences

Bernhard Kogel 
From « Standard-Design » to « Standard-Procedures » 
Beatriz Fedrizzi and Ivelise Flach 
The Schoolyard as an Instrument to improve Learning Performance 
Henry Sanoff 
Community Participation in an Elementary School Classroom Addition 
Henry Sanoff 
Relating Educational Objectives to Learning Spaces: A Design Games Workshop 
Yolanda Steijns 
New Didactic Approaches in Traditional School Buildings 
Mitra Hedman 
Learnscape: School Architecture as the Connecting Link Between Child and Context 
Enrico Sassi 
Urban clusters as strategy for the universita Campus in Lugano

Conclusions to the Colloquium

List of Participants