Architectural Quality in Planning and Design of Schools : Current issues with Focus on Developing Countries

Architectural Quality in Planning and Design of Schools : Current issues with Focus on Developing Countries
Auteurs : Eberhard Knapp, Kaj Noschis
Séries: Editions Comportements: Livres en libre lecture et librement téléchargeables, Book 2
Editeur : Comportements Publishers
Date de publication : 2010
ISBN: 2940075131

Eberhard Knapp & Kaj Noschis, Editors

Architectural Quality in Planning and Design of Schools

Proceedings of the 13th Arcitecture & Behaviour Colloquium,

Monte Verità, Ascona, Ticino, Switzerland, 2010

A propos du livre

Table of contents:

Introduction to 13th Architecture & Behaviour Colloquium Proceedings

Kaj Noschis

Educational architecture in a variety of countries

Learning and the physical environment – A research overview from Scandinavia
Pia Björklid
Concepts and Transferability of Contemporary Finnish School Design
Ulrike Altenmüller
Secondary schools modernisation programme: The Portuguese experience
Teresa Heitor
Standard versus site specific designs. The Jordanian experience
Rolla Jaradat

Research on the quality of educational facilities and students’ learning performance

Building better schools: methodological concerns and the need for evidence-based research
Edward Edgerton, J. McKechnie and S. McEwen
An on-going Research on Learning and School Buildings in Palestine
Ahmad Al Azzar, Linda Juha, Awni Joubran

Theory and practice: Examples of recent design projects

Basic education (Girls) project (BEGP) in Laos People’s Democratic Republic
Daniel Schwitter
Preparation of low cost solutions for the school construction programme in Mozambique
Gerhard Graf, Antonio Marrufo with Jochen Brähmig
Cross-Sector and Multi-Institutional Assessments Study on School Construction Costsin Yemen
Constantin Döring
Eight Schools for West Bank, Palestinian Territories
Karl Rechthaler

Prospective Conclusion

School Building in Developing Countries: The Value of Site-specific Designs
Eberhard Knapp

List of Participants