

Kaj Noschis
Licensed psychotherapist
Analytical psychologist (C.G.Jung Institute, Zurich)
Languages: English, French, Italian, Swedish, Finnish

Noschis, from Finland, lives in Lausanne (Switzerland) where he has his practice in psychotherapy since 1984. Noschis is an analytical psychologist and he works as training analyst for the C.G. Jung Institut in Zurich.  He has studied psychology at the Universities of Geneva (BA,MA), Lausanne (PhD) and at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich (diploma). He is also researcher in environmental psychology and has created the journal and colloquiums Architecture & Behaviour/ Architecture & Comportement. Noschis has taught for long at the University of Lausanne and at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne.

Comportements Publishers

Comportements are the publishers of the Proceedings of the Architecture & Behaviour Colloquiums. These Colloquiums with architects, planners and social scientists took place until 2011 in Monte Verità (Ticino, Switzerland).

Comportements have also published other books on the relations between inhabitants and their habitat. Several of these books can be freely downloaded from this site; they can also be found in many University libraries.

Comportements Publishers are also responsible for the archives of the scientific journal Architecture & Comportement / Architecture & Behaviour published with support from the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne from 1981 to 1995. All articles published in the journal can be freely downloaded from this site.

Publisher and editor: K.Noschis